Monday 5 December 2011

The Older Me.

Assalamualaikum WBT, Dear Miss and Friend..

Firstly, my name is Fara 'Aqilah and all of you can call me Fara. I thought this post must be written with thesis statement, topic sentence and all that. :D Alhamdulillah you ask me to wrote this post just like a diary. Haha. And again, thank you miss to read my blog though my English are broken. heee~

What I think when I will turn into 26 years old, and first thing that crossing my mind is I will get married. Hehe. I'm sure that Miss will think 26 years old is too early to get married. Maybe? :P Actually miss, I don't have any idea to write about my future. Maybe during that time, I am working in the well-known company or maybe work in the government sector.

To think about the future sometimes tangled my mind. ( sorry miss, I'm using google translate. hehe ) I don't have any idea to be what I want to be. Sometimes I wish I can be a superhero, but I know it don't make any sense. HHA. I would love to be a billionaire too. Having lots of branded things, expensive things. It will be awesome and it must be great. HHA. Sorry miss, always dream about nonsense things.

Sooner or later, I hope I will be the best student that you ever had teaching in UiTM Perlis. Pray the best for me. Thanks again to read my crap post. HHA. :P I hope with this blog, I can improve my writing and speaking. :)

*miss, is crap are really exist in English? :P*


Maizatul Akmar said...

its not too early for you to married in that age dear..heee~ :D

Farra Qilla said...

yes of course. i think we married in the same age. :D

yang salehah said...

an i have to attend all weddings that year..that is i i got an invitation to any of them, of course..
i would love to be a superhero or a billionaire but then again we can be those things in many different's all on us, right???

btw, crap is a word and for the record, NO, your blog is NOT crap AT ALL!!keep it up k :)

budak terpaksa said...

yeay google translate!
u got a big picture at the firt
entrance of your blog.
goodluck for everything

Farra Qilla said...

Miss, hehe. thanks again. i'm sure u'll be around malaysia to attend all of our wedding. hehe.

Syamil, err, Thanks again. :D i wish u all the best too..!